Monday, July 26, 2010 - Posted by -Vky* at 1:09 PM
So I managed to survive yet ANOTHER down; thousands left to go.
Retirement doesn't kick in for another 40 years or then, I wouldn't even know what to do with myself...Botox parties galore...but that's another story.
Let's take a look at this weeks highlights:

Most productive day of the week?
Last Sunday - I came in to work for a couple of hours while noone was in. Perfectly quiet just me and myself with noone to bother, ask for my help or stop to ask a stream of questions (which I had no clue as to what the answers were). I wasn't drowning in thousands of emails cause well...everyone who is NORMAL doesn't work on a Sunday....

Best "FML" moment?
I mixed up my Wednesday and Thursday schedules. I showed up to work at 5:30 AM on Thursday morning. Only to find out that I wasn't supposed to be there until 7AM.
Sure, I could have gone to hunt down a Starbucks or McDonald's ...but I forgot my wallet while rushing out the door.

Best line I heard all week?
It's a a tie between the following:
"I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, 'These idiots get paid a lot more than I do and they don't know shit.' "
"You're not gonna get paid for those hours of overtime you put in on Sunday."

Yes...they were really said....

Most intriguing txt conversation:
Tita: Vicky!? Hello!? Where are you!?!
(30 mins later)
Vky: Oh, hey! Sorry, I was in chest high water planting trees in the Gulf of Mexico...I'm all wet from head to toe and I didn't even bring extra clothes! What's up??
Tita: Oh, umm...okay...

Best moment of the week (Choose from the following):
A. When my boss sits next to me on the bus to Galveston and decides to do our weekly review.
B. When I don't know how to swim, but I find myself chest high in water with jelly fish swimming around me.
C. When I realize I don't have any extra clothes for the long ride back home.
D. When I retreat to my trustee iPod to finally relax for the long drive home...only long enough for it to say, "LOW BATTERY" and then it shuts down.

Correct answer: E. All of the Above

Best drink of the week:
At the Astros game. In the company suite. All the free food and booze you want....only technically, it wasn't free. Since I didn't get paid for all those nights I slept in the office...

Best sleep I got all week:
That nap I took during my lunch hour.

Person I wanted to shoot this week:
The lady who sits in the cubicle behind me. For wearing her MULTIPLE bangle bracelets and for wearing her flip flops to work. How much noise can you make sitting down?? Seriously....

Favorite part of the weekend:
When I finally get my car back only to find it flooded inside.

Cheers! To another Monday.....