Encounters of the Weird Kind

Thursday, March 25, 2010 - Posted by -Vky* at 9:16 PM
I have no idea why I attract the weirdest people. And when I say weird....I don't mean the kind that talk to themselves and like to eat grapes off wallpaper...no, that's more like insane people.
But seriously...these past few days, I have found my surroundings to include the company of weirdos. Out of the blue, randomly...and most of all...freakishly!!

I mean, I meet weird people all the time...don't get me wrong. But I prefer to think of them as idiots, morons, and assholes who are just born to piss people off such as myself. (Refer to previous blog)

But no. Not those kind of people. That I can handle. I am talking Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy weird. I even came home one evening and totally locked my gate (which I never bother to do....), look cautiously around while changing, and was almost tempted to sleep with one eye open. (This is quite difficult to do btw, I should put this on my TO DO list.)

Could it be....that I may be weird myself??? And people are trying to give me and early warning by gracing themselves with my company. I mean obviously they seem to find something in common with me...

Nahhh...can't be. I consider myself to be a fairly normal person. Never had suicidal thoughts. Love animals unconditionally. And have plenty of friends. But recent events have seriously left me dumbfounded....and above all...have creeped me the fuck out.

I seriously need to stop trusting others so easily and go back to what kindergarten teachers shoved down our throats. Stop, drop, and roll....Never take candy from a stranger....and never get into a car with a person you don't know. Although...I am definitely applying this rule to people YOU DO KNOW as well. You just never know what may happen.....

I think I may have to change my phone number....and my address. =/