Crystal Castles

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - Posted by -Vky* at 7:21 AM
So you know when you were in high school you always tended to avoid those "freaks" who dressed all in black, had piercings, colored hair, smelled like cigarettes, and listened to who knows what kind of music?? You know the outcast and reject crowd who either had their own personal group of mutual weird friends or that complete loner who walked the halls looking at his feet and sat all by himself while secretly having thoughts on how to blow up the school.

Well, that was me. Part of that outcast crowd. Last Night. I honestly didn't know what I was getting myself into when I decided to purchase my ticket for Crystal Castles. I mean, when I first heard them I was very hesitant. I remember saying, "What the fuck is this Atari shit?? Why do people listen to this. This is weird." And I completely pictured myself as one of the class of 2006 rejects. But unlike many others, I decided to give it a try. Few days later, i couldn't stop listening to their album. I was like, "Why is this sooo good???" It was BEYOND my personal taste in music, but then again...what IS my favorite music?? I wouldn't be able to give you one specific genre as I tend to gravitate to different themes according to my life and emotions at the moment. Well little did I know...this was the time of my life for Alice Glass.

So, I decided to purchase my ticket for the Cyrstal Castles @ House of Blues. Mind you, I hate that place. It's like the Hard Rock Cafe of concert houses. either stand way in the back and avoid the pushing, arm to arm, sweatfest of a crowd, or you dive right into the moshpits of hard core maniac fans who will stand for hours just to get a good glimpse of a 45 minute show. And will enjoy every second of it to the max.

Of course, I wasn't going to be stading in the back...I dove right in. And let me tell you. As soon as the lights went out, the hype of the crowd was insane. Alice Glass is not your Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani, or Lady Gaga kind of girl. No, she's more of the weird girl you sat next to in Biology class thinking, "Poor girl. I bet she would look really pretty if she just only dressed well and didn't hide behind her hair and awful makeup." Or in Ryan's words, "She's the kind of girl who burns ants and puts glue on her face." The kind of girl who doesn't sing. She screams. Literally. Her music is screaming. At you. The entire show.

So here I am, in the middle of a moshpit, between a 6 foot tranny and a pink platform wearing diva, in the middle of drunk messes who will push themselves or in Ryan's case...CANNONBALL themselves up to the front of the stage. I looked around the crowd and I see a few people I recognize from high schools. Definitely not someone I associated myself with back then. Those class "weirdos" who really aren't weird...they are normal people who just have a different passion of life other than trying to be popular and cool. They didn't care if they had friends or not, they cared about music. And here I was...screaming and yelling and dancing with them. As I learn how to appreciate this kind of music more...I learned how to appreciate the crowd as well. I couldn't help but think how different my life would have been if I had just hung out with a different crowd in high school. The peer pressure of trying to fit in just didn't seem worth it anymore. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't regret anything I did...but I just wished I could have learned to appreciate differences more at an early age than now.

Every so often you experience something that changes your life. Something that moves you. That you feel connected to and sparks an epiphany. That changes your way of thinking. The show was amazing. =]