You Live....You Learn

Monday, August 31, 2009 - Posted by -Vky* at 8:54 AM
So, we all know how we women like to rant about how independent we are and how we don't need men to do anything for we can do for ourselves and how we can wear the pants AND bring home the bacon. Few women are worthy enough to call themselves independent ...BUT I must admit there are certain things I really don't think fall under the category: Things I Don't Need A Man For

First one being: Cars.
No, really....I understand men like to sit around and talk about their dream car and how they spent all weekend under their hood and how much their turbo engine cost. Blah, blah, blah...I'm not interested. In a conversation about cars, the farthest I have gotten is..."Yes...I pumped gas, turned it on, put my convertible top down, turned the music up, and flipped everyone off in traffic."
So when my car's check engine light decides to turn on and my dad asks me if I have put water in it or checked the response: "?Q*&#!#*%"
Exactly. I don't know what he was talking about. Now, don't get me wrong...I'm sure if you taught me HOW and I practiced a couple of times...I'm pretty sure I could wing it. But noone has ever bothered....
So here I am at the mechanic shop after work on a Friday....listening to what all this man has to say about my car, "The problem is blah blah blah...Convenience module....blah blah blah...crank shaft sensor...blah blah blah....your total is $700.00."
VKY: EXCUSE ME?? I'm sorry...can you repeat that?? I thought I heard you say it was $700.00.
MAN: No ma'am...I didn't say $700.00
VKY: Oh thank goodness...
MAN: I said, $745.00
VKY: Well...I'm glad I got that straightened out.

Now, let's see...IF I had a man who was handy in the car department...I could just have gotten it done for free. Oh, wait...I DID date a guy who went to UTI for 4 years and claimed he knew everything there was to know about cars....that's right. But did he ever open up the hood to my car while we were dating?? My point exactly.
Now, when a girl walks into a mechanic shop in a skirt and heels and tells the guy, "The check engine light is on...I dont know what is wrong. Fix it." What are you going to assume? Why, a matter of fact, the vehilce is under MY name...not daddy's. The expense is coming out MY pocket. Not my parents....Credit Card? No, it is maxed out because I had to pay my tuition. I am paying you week's hard earnings.
IF I had man who would have taken the time to go with me and get more detailed with this man about the car than I total would probably not have been as much. But, wait...I DID date a guy who told me once to go to Jiffy Lube to get my oil changed while he sat at a bar and spent all his paycheck on beer.

Almost a grand later and a car that STILL has the check engine light turned on, I have learned: You can't depend on men for cars either.