A Damsel in Distress? Quite Possibly...NOT!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009 - Posted by -Vky* at 8:56 AM
So, before I start ranting on and on about my daily adventures, insidious (but quite honest) thoughts about alien encounters who are in reality taking on human form...I shall enlighten you with a little background information about myself and why I came to be the way I am.....you know.....Awesome.

You only need to be familiar with what I am willing to share with you. Any other information you may want to know for stalking purposes or if you decide to use any of my blogs with malicious intents, you have been warned that I will come and haunt you while you sleep in your TempurPedic mattress when I am deceased. You will become this century's Edger Allen Poe's character in The Tell Tale Heart....and I am not talking about the narrator. That will be portrayed by yours truly as I will carefully calculate your murder while you lay wake at night overdosed on Adderall.... too scared to fall asleep because you know I am not-so-secretly wating for you to close both your eyes so I can strike. I will then proceed to chop your body into a thousand little pieces and shove it through the walls of your 3 bedroom house and use it as insulation to keep your family warm during the so called winter. Perhaps stuff some in your mattress....we shall see. I will not be haunted afterwards with your beating heart for I am already dead. Told you it was insidious....That is all. Let's proceed.

I love comments and hearing what people have to say...MOST of the time. Feel free to leave some yummy comments and add me to your list of friends. I love networking. It's what keeps me sane sometimes....If you are not here to bitch and rant with me but instead want be a nuisance and start harrassing me about what a mean person I am and how you disagree with my point of views...then you should stop reading NOW. Save yourself AND ME the trouble. Afterall, I am not here to please you or anyone else for that matter. The sole purpose for this blog is to one day look back and read it and just remember that I was awesome at such an early age. Not for anyone else's convenience.

I am not a journalist....nor will I ever be. Although I did play with the idea once or twice a semester or two ago. But gave it up as quickly as it came. Writing is bittersweet to me. I love to do it on my spare time but I hate doing it if I have to. English classes were passed by cramming the night before Finals and finishing essays and research papers at 4 o'clock in the morning. So if you see typos, mispelled words, words that don't belong, punctuation and grammar mistakes....don't be so quick to judge me for it. I said I was awesome....I never said I was perfect.

Yours Truly Vky*
Let's see, I was born and grew up in the wonderful city of Houston, Tx where it is sunny and humid, and you can fry eggs on a rock year round. Not so wonderful. I hate the heat. I long for winter every summer and when it arrives it is only cold long enough to give you three decent hair days. Traffic is a way of living as it becomes part of your agenda and construction is just another form of entertainment. As much as I bitch and complain about it all, I don't think I could ever live anywhere else permanently. Except maybe Denver. Just for the weather.... And the scenery.

I work for Corporate America which I am sure I will get very much detailed about in later blogs. No need for 40 sentences about that. I am also a striving college student trying to make ends meet. I love it all. Work, school, partying, spending time with my adorable family, and going about my crazy little world which noone seems to understand, really. I like to have fun and like to have a good time....but there is also a time for sleep...and let me tell you it comes as easy as saying 1, 2....vky is snoring. Literally!

This is possibly the best part of my life. My dysfunctional family is my rock. My two sisters are my best friends and pretty much my right hand...or my left...or both....whatever! I could tell you our father is the president for a major oil industry and spends his time traveling the world while we all stay at our house in Milan...and our mother is a cosmetic surgeon for the rich and famous...but I shall not. My parents are two simple people who worked their whole lives to give me and my sisters the most they could. They are the nicest and honest people you will ever meet. I love them and would not trade them for the world.

All About Me*
It seriously is...well, at least in my world it is. No...I don't care about yours. After all, this is MY Blog remember?? Guys, I'm seriously not a bitch. I am one of the friendliest people you could ever meet. I promise. But in all fairness you came here for a purpose and already having invaded my personal privacy (haha...who am I kidding...it's a Blog)....then so be it.

Ahh...yes. What every person strives for at one point in their life...and what some fail at miserably. Let me tell you I was very undecided about posting this section...but what the hell. No hard feelings. Long story short: My knight in shining armour turned out to be a loser in alluminum foil. I was young. I was naive. What can I say....you grow. You learn. You move on. You can't really live off of "butterflies and kisses" ...now can you? Anyway...does Love exist? Perhaps. But I am really not going to analyze it. If it's meant to be it will happen. For now, I am content with shoes and Vodka.

Well...I think that should be enough to spice things up a little and pick up where I last left off! Cheers to all and happy reading! May your organs fail you before your dreams do!! ;)

Love always,