Destination: Happiness

Friday, May 6, 2011 - Posted by -Vky* at 9:13 AM
"From that chair, I've caught....a few fish and some rays. And I've watched boats and out of Cinnamon Bay. I let go of a lover that took a piece of my heart. Prayed many times for forgiveness...and a brand new start."

There's a place Kenny Chesney talks about in his song, "Old Blue Chair"...and that name has forever stayed in mind since I've heard it. It's called Cinnamon Bay. I remember entering it into image search in Google. And I fell in love. I've never been to the Virgin Islands. I've never even been to the Carribean...but I will go to this place.

So I've cut this picture out and I've posted it on the wall of my cubicle. I've posted it next to my dresser. And the screensaver on my laptop. When I see this picture all I think about is: Beauty, peace, love, happiness. And that's exactly what I need to feel right now.


Monday, May 2, 2011 - Posted by -Vky* at 6:49 PM

It's almost here. Time is flying by too quickly.
It never stands still no matter how much you long for it. How much you wish for it. Or even how much you pray for it.

Every year, I wish for Winter...and every disappoints me.

Summer is for the extroverts. Lovers. Friends. Adventure seekers. Those who seek long nights as opposed to those who just lay in bed wondering if night will ever come to an end.

This year....I just wish to accomplish more of my goals. No matter what season it may be....


Monday, April 25, 2011 - Posted by -Vky* at 9:54 AM
I've never realized how bad my allergies have gotten until recently. It seems that my daily routine of 45 sneezes has progressed into a ritual. If I don't wake up in the morning with my nose spray in one hand and a tissue in the other...I'm awake at all hours of the night trying to find either. I don't understand what change in my life has lead to my drastic increase of allergy symptoms. Yes, I am ACTUALLY sitting here bitching and ranting as the "eco-friendly" recycled box of tissues sitting on my desk, ordered by the nice administrative assistant down the hall, does not only hold the consistency of the PAPER MACHE, but is scrapping my nostrils and upper lip all together. Geez...I could have just used toilet paper in the bathroom least that is a little softer. I do not bother putting eye makeup any is going to rub off anyway as the itchy eyes constanly water and make me feel like I should be sitting here watching a sappy old chick flick (with PUFFS LOTION + ALOE VERA PLEASE). Allergies are not seasonal, damn it...they are year round!

Dear March...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 - Posted by -Vky* at 8:06 AM
"I told you I was going places you've never even dreamt of....I wasn't lying."

You came out of nowhere!!!

Can't believe this month is finally here! Is it just me...or did winter season jet by? I didn't even have time to enjoy my better hair days! Anywho,'re here. And I've patiently been waiting for you since last Summer.... You're here and I'm taking advantage before you too, fly by quickly.

I'm just TOO excited!! I'm scratching yet another goal off my list. EUROPE! Wait...not just Europe....ITALY!

Our itinerary is looking a little intimidating, even for first time traveler's...but that's all part of the fun. Rome, Florence, Venice, Vatican City, Pisa...Ah, ah, ah!!

I have to say, though...I'm a little saddened. Although I'm going with a group of friends...I must admit, I feel like I'm making this trip alone. This is the first time I will have traveled without my family at my side. We've always taken trips together... inside the country and have they been a blast! I wouldn't have asked for better people to experience and take new adventures with.....I am now reaching different borders and I have this bittersweet feeling about not having my sisters by my side while I see a different part of the world. I wish I could take them all with me. Wish I could pack them in my suitcase if I could! (Which by the way, I have not even started on that yet!) Some just have to do alone. It's okay..I will have them each of them at my side in spirit!!

So....shall we do this now?? Europe...WATCH OUT!! This is just the beginning!!

Out with the Old*

Monday, January 3, 2011 - Posted by -Vky* at 9:01 AM
So it's official...start of a NEW and fresh year! Left my holiday blues behind and have emerged from my vacation...rejuvenated, re-energized (sorta...still sleepy)...but most of all excited! Excited for this year!! That's right! I'm filling up my calendar, fast!! Looking great so far. =]

This year, I will be on the road to self discovery and fulfillment. What does that mean?? Hell, if I know! I want to leave everything behind and just take in a different set of mind. I don't know why, I feel like meditating sometimes! Maybe this is the year to do so!!

Whatever is causing this wave of emotions...this "happiness high", I hope it doesn't go away!

Tis the Season

Monday, December 6, 2010 - Posted by -Vky* at 7:49 AM
Have not been feeling the Christmas season lately...and by lately, I mean it's been more than 3 years since I've been in the happy, cheery, holiday spirit.

For the past 2 years, after my birthday passes in early November, I quietly hide out waiting for December to end and the new year begin. Ironically, I'm not anxious or impatient for it's end.... I rather like to take it all in slowly and submurge myself into this blank state of mind where I can't do anything but reminisce about the times where I remember being happy and use to enjoy it all. It's the only time I set my pride aside and allow myself to go back to a different time in my life and recall fading memories.

And just like takes my Christmas spirit away and any mood for celebrations or festivities. Although, drinking is highly encouraged and Christmas parties do provide a generous supply of much needed alcohol to get me through.

Where my hard, cold lump of coal heart starts beating again. I get so emotional during the holidays and I detest the very thought of letting myself be consumed by these nonsense feelings. Fucking cheery christmas music that makes me want to get run over by reindeers doesn't help one bit.

But there I am. It's the change of the season. I don't know what triggers it...Or maybe I do and I have yet to admit that part.

The frosty weather. Red holiday Starbucks cups. Downtown lights. Fuzzy socks. Macy's Friends & Family discount. The warmth of my bed's covers and the quietness of the office while everyone is out on vacation. It's all I care for this season.

Just three more months and I will be away from these city lights....I love winter, but I've never wanted the Spring to get here faster....

I think...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010 - Posted by -Vky* at 10:10 AM
That I think too much.

I need to stop over analyzing situations and making things more complicated than they already are.

Everything always seems to work out perfectly on its own.

Whatever is meant to be will happen. <--- SO cliché!!

I need to stop thinking so much and pray a little more. ;)