&& That has made all the difference...

Thursday, October 7, 2010 - Posted by -Vky* at 8:34 AM

Why wait until the New Year to start your goals and resolutions?? It is never too late or too early to start working on improving your life or going after what you want. I love setting goals for myself. As you get older, you start losing that sense of amibition and care free spirit you had as a child. Everything starts becoming about your career, your job, your family, how you are going to get through the rest of your life.

I came across a blog I had written 2 years ago around New Years...in it listing all my resolutions for the year and what I had hope to accomplish by the age of 21. It's amazing to see and compare my goals then and now. Of course, much has changed in the course of two years...and it's rather interesting to see the differences and influential factors. But still, I was surprised to see how many of my goals I had accomplished. I am still at an age where I have the advantage of doing many things I want before I settle down. The sense of accomplishment is a high to me. I love it! One day, I hope to look back and see all successes and even failures. Here are a few that I hope to accomplish in the next year or so.

-Try an activity I don't already know how to do. I'm thinking a cooking class or something. I'm not asking to be the next Julia Child or Bobby Flay...but just know enough to survive my "college student on a budget" years.

-Live with a roomate. I never had the college experience of a dorm life...I've lived comfortably in my parents home all my life. It would be nice to actually leave and experience the struggle of living alone without any of my family's help.

-Visit a foreign country. ...that is NOT the mother land!! Seeing new places is always something fascinating to me. I'm not done with the US, but I think it's time for something greater.

- Get in a physical fight. The ones in middle school don't count! I know this is akward, now I'm not gonna actually go out and pick a fight with a random person at a bar or club or even off the street. But just knowing that you can stick up for yourself or someone else, will prove to YOURSELF that you have that confidence and bravery. If I win or lose, in the end...I did it for myself.

-Learn how to play an instrument. I started playing piano two years ago. But due to some circumstances, I didn't have the heart and longing to do it anymore. Learning to master something that is not a gift you were born with, is really very admirable. I think I should pick up where I left off and finish what I had started. ;)

-Write a song. Music is such a big part of my life. It influences and inspires me. Every now and then you hear a song that you really feel connected to. As if the person who wrote it, knows exactly what you are feeling and has the words that say what you personally cannot. It doesn't have to be for anyone. I just want to write what I feel. And sing it. =]

-Go to a concert of someone I've never heard of. Sometimes, this is the best way to hear music and learn something new that you didn't know you liked. I've accomplished this already. But I want to do MORE of it!

-Travel to a different city and state to hear my favorite band, musician, singer, etc. Of course every time your favorite band is performing in town, you're there. But let's be spontaneous. Listening to your favorite musician in another city , from a different stand point and with a different crowd will make you appreciate the music even more.

-Witness something once-in-a-lifetime. It could be the Niagra Falls. There are some things you only get one chance in your life to witness. You want to make sure you take it. Even if it means traveling 200 miles to see the biggest spaghetti meatball.

-Witness someone's own creation of art. What we sometimes think is art, others may have a completely opposite view and different opinion of it. To witness and examine someone creating something that moves them would be really motivating and inspiring to me.

-Go on a date with someone who makes me nervous. You never know. It may turn out to be the person I end up marrying.

-Learn a new language. It's attractive when someone knows how to speak another language other than their native. It looks great on your resume, and you NEVER know when you might have a use for it.

-Make a list of all my faults. And work on them. Yes, I realize we're not all perfect. And of course, we are not always failures. But having a list on what I think my faults are and what others think my faults are can always help me become a better person. There is ALWAYS room for improvement.

-Help find a home for a homeless animal. Even if it's not my own home. I am in love with my pets and my family spoils them rotten. It's sad to know there are many animals out there who don't have a loving home. Or even food and water. =[

-Rent a beach house, or B&B and spend the entire weekend there alone. Sometimes, you need to get away from your own sourroundings to find clarity and a peace of mind. Re-energize and get some REST! Maybe even get inspired while I'm at it. Or meet new people.

-Write a book. Get it published. Yes this is a long term goal. But nothing is impossible. I love writing and it makes me happy. J.K. Rowling wrote her book series on a napkin in a coffee house. Stephenie Meyer started writing based on a dream she had one night. Even if no one EVER buys a copy of my book. Just to see it published, in a book store shelf...would be a great accomplishment.

There are many, many, many other things...but these seem to be a good start. I'm not going to give myself a time limit. The only way to reach your own personal goals, is to enjoy them. Hope to look back again in a couple of years and see how much I've accomplished then.